
我是陳冠宇,擅長平面設計、介面設計及用戶體驗設計。透過情境研究,探索不同的互動模式或技術,應用適合的媒材及手段來進行設計。主要產出為產品設計(應用程式、網頁)及CIS企業識別設計。 設計是我的專業項目也是我的興趣,不斷聆聽需求,發揮創意對問題提出適合的解決方案。


I am Chen Guanyu and I specialize in graphic design, interface design, and user experience design. Through contextual research, I explore different interaction modes or technologies and apply suitable media and methods to design. My main outputs are product design (applications, web pages) and CIS corporate identity design. Design is my profession and also my interest. I continuously listen to the needs and offer creative solutions to problems.

To me, design is a process that can change and shape the environment we live in. I believe that design can help us discover and realize our own ideas and values. Product design is also a medium that connects designers and users. Through designing products, we can establish a social relationship of mutual understanding, respect, and interdependence. In such a relationship, we can promote communication and cooperation, thus creating better designs and user experiences.


Guan Yu

聯絡我 contact
[email protected]
技能 Skill
#Graphic Design
工作經驗 Work Experience
UI Designer

LiveIn Technology

2020.9 - now


NTUA Minecraft Server

2021.3 - 2023.1

Graphic Designer

QSAN Technology

2020.6 - 2020.9

THEF2E 2022

Merit Award


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